How a GM tube operates?
counter is named as GM counter based on its developers ‘Geiger’ and
‘Muller’ in 1928. They are oldest type of gas filled radiation
detectors.GM counters were operated in the Geiger discharge region of
gas filled ion chambers.
A Schematic Of GM Counter |
- This counter also works on the principle of ionization caused by
incoming energetic particle in the gas medium filled between anode and
cathode. The electron liberated in the primary ionization event would
get accelerated towards anode because of its high potential. The
electron may gain sufficient energy to cause ionization of other gas
molecule. This leads to a chain of ionizing events which is usually
referred to as Townsend avalanche. During this process, there may be
interactions in which excitation of atoms may occur due to sufficient
energy of impinging electrons. Such atoms while de-exciting may emit
photons which normally fall in UV or visible region. These photons which
are emitted may again lead to photo electrons due to ionization of gas
atoms or due to photoelectric interaction with walls of counter. Each
photo electron would again cause Townsend effect. Such a series of
Townsend avalanches would lead to discharge in the tube called
Geiger-discharge. In such a state there is formation of dense envelope
of electron-ion pairs distributed on either side of anode.
voltage applied to anode shall be such that it is enough to trigger the
avalanche mechanism and collect total charge (electrons) pertaining to
single event leading to Geiger discharge.
short a high energy particle entering through the mica window will
cause one or more of the argon atom to ionize. The electron and ion of
argon thus produce, cause other argon atoms to ionise.
result of this one event is a sudden, massive electric discharge that
cause a current pulse. Than this incoming pulse is counted by counter.
Concept of quenching:
- Practically the process would not be as simple as above. During the
Geiger discharge, there is dense envelope of electrons and ions. The
electrons would drift towards anode and positive ions would drift
towards cathode. The positive ions which drift towards cathode having
ionization potential (E) greater than the work function (W) of cathode
material leads to exchange of electron from cathode and becomes neutral.
The excess energy may be dissipated in two forms, one by emission of
photon or an electron form cathode if excess energy is greater than the
work function of the cathode material. This would again initiate another
Geiger discharge. The result of this is that the tube would always be
in continuous Geiger discharge and hence will not able to measure any
To overcome this problem, concept of quenching is introduced. There are two types of quenching
i) Organic quenching
ii) Halogen quenching
Organic quenching: -
involves addition of small quantity of organic gas having complex
molecule structure. This prevents the continuous Geiger discharge
mechanism by charge transfer collision principle. The positive ions on
their path collide with organic molecules to get neutralized. This
makes only ions of organic gas reach cathode and gets neutralized. If
there is any excess energy released leads to dissociation of organic
molecules. Thus multiple Geiger discharges could be avoided.
typical filling of organic quenched GM tubes is 90% Argon and 10% of
ethyl alcohol. When organic gas gets depleted to a sufficient extent
there is occurrence of multiple discharges frequently and thus the
plateau length gets decreased, with slope increased.
the organic quenched GM tubes are characterized by short life time and
thus not suitable for operation in very high fields which leads to large
count rate. To overcome this, technique of Halogen quenching is
Characteristics of GM tubes:-
The important parameters which decide the quality of functioning of Gm tubes are
i) Dead time
ii) Recovery time
iii) Plateau length &Plateau slope
i) Dead time:
- As discussed above, the positive ions take considerable time to reach
cathode tube compared to electrons. The reason is that the mobility of
electrons is about 1000 times greater than that of electrons.
to the low drift velocity of positive ions, there is formation of cloud
of positive ions which tend to electric field opposite to that of
actual field. This reduces the electric field intensity due to anode
potential and thus affects gas multiplication factor. This in turn
affects the pulse heights.
In high count rates, it is more worse that there is formation
of dense positive cloud which makes the electric field intensity in the
vicinity of anode wire reduce by great margin thus multiplication goes
down by big margin. During this phase of detector, any new ionizing
event caused by incoming particle cannot be recorded. Thus the time
interval during which any event caused by newly incoming particle would
not get counted and called as dead time of the country.
ii) Recovery time:
- After certain time, all the positive ions tend to reach cathode wall
and thus the electric field begins to restore to actual value. When the
electric field goes beyond a critical value there is again formation for
pulses. But the process requires some time to give maximum pulse
heights. Hence the total time required for GM tube to give maximum pulse
height pulses is Recovery time.
iii) Plateau length & Slope: In
order to decide the operating voltage of the GM tube, a graph between
anode voltage (X axis) and count rate (Y axis) is plotted. After
applying minimum voltage to initiate Geiger discharge, the no. of pulses
shall remain same in fixed radiation field exposure. But due to
formation of short pulses during recovery time there is variation in
count rate. Thus one of the quality parameters deciding the operation of
GM tube is that plateau slope shall be less. Usually 2-3% plateau slope
is a good choice. As we go on applying voltage to the anode, the tube
starts entering continuous discharge region. Thus the slope gets
worsened. The region or length of voltage region during which the
plateau slope remains in desired value is called as plateau length and
usually the operating voltage is chosen at the midpoint of plateau